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2017 has been a box full of surprises… and it’s just the beginning.

Moving to NYC was the first step of the craziest adventure of my life. In this concrete jungle where dreams are made of, I faced challenges, took risks, became stronger, lost and found myself again and again and again… and had the most fun of my entire life.

This city has a unique way of teasing the creativity out of you. Exploring New York and meeting its inspiring people lead me to rediscover myself as a person and artist. The memories I’ve made here are like precious stones to me, and now it’s time I share these beautiful gemstones with you… through music.

This July I will be releasing my new EP, ♦️RUBY♦️ , the first 4-track collection of my latest NYC-made precious stones.

RUBY is the talisman of passion, allows one to experience all forms of love and to overcome exhaustion (a much needed skill in “the city that never sleeps”). Ruby’s energy sharpens the mind, brings courage, fearlessness and self-confidence to those who experience it.

Each ♦️  in this EP represents a turning point in my journey in NYC, a source of self-discovery and empowerment.

Stay tuned to my social media:

♦️ Facebook:

♦️ Instagram:

♦️ Twitter:

♦️Snapchat: laurarizzotto

♦️ Spotify:

♦️ Compre meu álbum no iTunes:  





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